The Environmental Benefits of Using 3D Surveys

The Environmental Benefits of Using 3D Surveys
The Environmental Benefits of Using 3D Surveys

At MB Survey Solutions we take pride in promoting a positive impact on the environment. Traditional surveying methods increased the risk of error, making it harder to capture the shape of trees, heritage, or rocks. This means that surveys were not effective in achieving these goals.

With advancements in technology, 3D laser scanning surveys have addressed these issues, providing you with accurate information on the building and surrounds, providing accurate data for your Building Information Model (BIM).

What are 3D Surveys?

3D laser scanning surveys are highly effective to survey large and complex environments. It is considerably faster and safer. 3D laser scanning is detailed and accurate, using non-contact and non-harmful surveying technology, enabling us to take accurate measurements of physical structures and objects that are captured using beams of light.

Laser scanning involves millions of 3D data points that are recorded offering highly detailed and precise depictions, this is called a point cloud. Unlike other surveying methods, 3D surveys capture thousands, if not millions of data points per second, capturing details from various angles, which are used to create CAD drawings and BIM models.

Heritage Records

The data gathered through 3D laser scanning provides a permanent image of that exact moment on site, which can be used as reference. It can be reviewed and measured digitally at any time from anywhere. These surveys are used by architects, engineers, and construction companies.

Using a laser beam to measure distances, our surveyors can reach hard to reach and dangerous areas on site with ease, providing accurate measurements. This eliminates any risk to the environment. The surveys also enable architects to work around natural features, such as trees and vegetation, being able to incorporate them into your design.

Saving Money and Time

The time and cost savings of 3D laser scanning is excellent and they can be checked at any time. They are valuable when understanding building heights, potential problems, and neighbours properties. We can provide front façades, featuring images from the street, along with elevations, fencing, and any heritage information, along with the surrounding natural environment.

Environmental Benefits of 3D Surveys

3D surveys can be used for new builds, home renovations, and for numerous environmental surveys, including:

  • Monitor ecosystems - identify changes in the environment
  • Heritage sites - monitor and restore heritage sites with detailed models
  • Biodiversity management - identify plant and animal species, helping to monitor endangered species
  • Sustainability in construction - accurate designs reducing wasted materials
  • Renewable energy - identify suitable sites for renewable energy development, such as solar farms or wind turbines. Reducing the impact on the environment.


Overall, 3D laser scanning is an advanced technology we use daily when it comes to land surveys. It is non-invasive and enables our surveyors to capture detailed and accurate information without causing damage to the environment, while being able to provide visualisation whether you want to build a new home or renovate your existing property. If you are looking for an environmentally-friendly land survey, get in touch with our team at MB Survey Solutions today.